Friday, May 15, 2009

Getting Typing and Transcription Work

Copyright © 2008 Leva Duell

Do you want to get typing work? Consider transcription.

Transcription can provide you with many hours of typing work. Transcription is simply typing what's dictated.

You don't need to be a medical transcriptionist to provide transcription services. When speaking about transcription, people think about medical transcription.

In addition to medical professionals, a wide range of individuals and organizations outsource transcription services. Your clients may include insurance companies, universities, financial institutions, authors of books, consultants, focus groups and public speakers.

Business transcription does not require any knowledge of medical terminology.

If you are a business transcriptionist, medical transcriptionist, legal transcriptionist, be aware of the growing popularity of digital dictation and transcription. Although the majority of physicians and businesses are still using tapes to record dictation, many are starting to use digital voice recorders.

To provide transcription services, you will need a transcription machine. Transcribers have a headset and foot pedal that allows you to stop and rewind the cassette with your feet while having your hands available for typing.

Traditional audio tape transcription includes standard cassette transcription, micro cassette and mini tape transcription. These are typically referred to as cassette transcription or tape transcription. Until you have a client, you won't know which size cassettes you'll need. Talk to your prospective clients before buying any transcription equipment.

Digital transcription is becoming more popular and can provide you with additional typing work from long-distance clients who are looking for transcriptionists to perform transcription work from home.

Here's how digital dictation and transcription works: Your clients dictate into a handheld digital voice recorder, upload the files from their recorder to their computer with a USB cable, send an email message to a transcriptionist, and attach the digital files.

Digital transcription has many benefits for the transcriptionists. The audio quality is usually much better than tapes. You can move easier and faster to specific places in the dictation and you have more control over the playback speed. You don't have to deal with pick-up and delivery of tapes.

When the medical transcriptionists receive the email, they can open the file and bring it into their computer with specialized software. They can convert the digital file to different formats, but the most popular file format is the "wav" format.

Specialized transcription software and a foot pedal allow the transcriptionist to move through the digital voice file just like you do when transcribing from a tape. After transcribing the files, the transcriptionist emails the finished work back to the client as an attachment.

The foot pedal is connected to your computer through the USB or serial port. A foot pedal that comes with a tape transcriber will not work. You also need an Internet connection, an email account, and a word processing software program such as Microsoft Word that will work with your digital file transcribing system.

Some foot pedals have the ability to convert files recorded on almost every type of digital handheld recorder. This allows you to perform transcription work for many clients, regardless of the type of digital voice recorder they use.

If you are not looking into transcription work, you may miss opportunities to typing work from home on a contract basis.


Signature/Resource Box

Looking for transcription work from home?
Find out what marketing methods have proven to work
for successful secretarial services and transcription services.

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