Sunday, January 31, 2010

Free --- Low-Stress Income: Affiliate Program 2.0!


I'm excited. The team at Low-Stress Income just released the most ambitious affiliate program in Internet Marketing history!

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This program has paid out over $150k in commissions in the last 90 days...get your piece of the continually growing pie.


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This program is only FREE to join for a limited time...soon it will cost money to be a member of this exclusive network. So join right now while you're thinking about it!


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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cholesterol and Your Heart

Shrimp is full of cholesterol. But the real cholesterol danger lurks in the slyly packaged "cholesterol
free" cookie. You see, shrimp contains very little of the saturated fat that makes that cookie taste so good. And it's the saturated fat in food not the cholesterol that has the greatest effect on your cholesterol level.

No wonder people are confused.

Here's your guide to understanding what it all means, because what is clear is the link between high cholesterol in your blood and heart disease. You'll find out whether you need a cholesterol test and what "good" cholesterol is, along with quick tips for creating a heart healthy diet. What you won't find is a recipe for those cookies.


Cholesterol, a white, waxy fat found naturally in your body, is used to build cell walls and make certain. Too much of it, through, can clog your arteries and eventually choke off the supply of blood to the heart, which is the reason high cholesterol is a leading risk factor for heart disease. Other factors that pur you at risk include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • A family history of heart disease
  • Being male
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity


WHO SHOULD BE TESTED: Everyone age 20 and older should have their cholesterol measured at least once every 5 years. It is best to have a blood test called a "lipoprotein profile" to find out your cholesterol numbers, according to the National Cholesterol Education Program.


BY WHOM: preferably your doctor, who can measure LDL as well as total cholesterol. If you use an outside service:

  • Check to see that the testers are doctors, nurses or medical technicians.
  • Get a written copy of your results to show to our doctor.


For more information on your cholesterol testing visit this web page for this free report.


This information was shared by me with you from: HEALTH magazine. Address: Health, P.O. Box 36863, Boulder, Colorado 80322.

A Perfect Work from Home Home Opportunity: Start a Transcription Business

A Perfect Work from Home Home Opportunity: Start a Transcription Business

Still looking for a way to earn money online from your own home? Do you enjoy typing and and have been told you're a whiz at it? You may be just the right person to consider learning the transcription business. General transcription services are needed by people who record audios. Podcasts, teleseminars or webinars are a few types of audios that might get transcribed. The documents are typed out by you, the transcriptionist, in a document for people who want to read it. Your transcription business won't require a great deal of investment up front; just your computer, a quiet office, and some easily attainable transcribing equipment.

Deciding on your transcription equipment will take a little bit of research. Take a look online at the computer programs and good quality headsets available. The actual transcription program will have the settings you need to keep the verbal recording under your control. A must-have is a good headset that enables you to clearly understand the words you are trying to type. So, let's take a look at what else you need to know.

Now, ask yourself... do I have a keen sense of hearing, command of the English language, and fast typing skills? If you answered "yes", then you might wonder what other skills you need. You should also be able to work well under tight deadlines, be able to work independently for most of the time, and handle the repetition of typing, which can be a strain on the hands and wrists and the back from sitting for long periods of time. If that sounds like you, and you possess a sharp eye for detail, you are well on your way. With that said, let's look at some ideas to get you started in your home based transcription service.

Training in Transcription: When you get the right training in transcription, you will save yourself a lot of frustration! You don't want to fail because you didn't do your homework, do you? Before you open the doors of your transcription business, spend some of your time browsing through online courses, especially the Transcription Starter Pack.

Complete Business Plan: Your new business, like all successful businesses, will require a well written business plan. Let your business plan reflect your excitement and tell the world who you are. Start with a straight-forward outline of the services you will offer, then your vision, your marketing plan, your financial plan, and your plans for growth. This not only is a good exercise in keeping your focus, but your business plan will be an important tool to track your goals and your progress.

Home Office with Proper Equipment: You'll most certainly want a quiet and comfortable home office with a good computer and some storage for your client information. You'll be using some special transcription software and hardware to play and listen to the recorded material. The computer program will have many settings to help you control the recording. You'll be able to start, stop, go back, and slow down the recorded material so you never get lost or behind in a document. Most importantly, you'll want to use a highly sensitive headset so that the recording is clear and the words are easy to understand. These tools will be priceless to your transcription business.

Marketing Yourself: Some people like to join with national transcription companies so the work comes to them. However, if you are a good networker and like selling yourself, you may want to find your own clients and work directly with them. With podcasts popping up all over the internet - and teleseminars spreading like wildfire, you'll have a huge list of people to contact with your services.

Website For Your Business: Besides your hard work, your new and growing transcription business depends on a great website. Use it to let the outside world know that you are available and ready to work! You will be listing your services and letting clients know how to contact you. If website design is not your forte, please hire someone to develop a professional website for you. The investment is minimal when compared to the client reaction you will get from happy testimonials and other client referrals. Keep in mind that your website is your professional face, so please save your personal or cutesy web stuff for the a personal blog. Your satisfied clients will always be ready and willing to refer other clients your way if you make your website easy for them to use and respond to.

Transcription services are in high demand in the US and according to the Department of Labor's statistics, transcriptionist jobs are growing at a higher than average rate. That's good to hear, isn't it? By becoming a transcriptionist, you have found a career that is easily managed from your home office; a career which gives you an opportunity to grow at your own pace. And that seems like a very attractive opportunity indeed! Isn't it time you found out what all this transcription business fuss is about?

Recommended Additional Resource:

To find out exactly what it takes to start a transcription business, step-by-step, sign up to receive your Transcription Starter Pack. You’ll find out how to get clients, set your prices and grow your business.