Saturday, September 17, 2011

Starting Your Own Transcription Business

for a business start from home with low start-up costs and no training
required? Start your own transcription business from home by clicking

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How To Make Money With Micro Job Sites

How To Make Money With Micro Job Sites - By: Kathy Dobson

With the explosion of micro job sites online, it is easy to say that anyone can now make money on these sites. However, there are some users who are still having a hard time making a sale on and other micro job sites. If you want to start making money online, then you have to know some tips on the best ways to make money with micro job sites.

First off, you have to know what to sell. These micro job sites earn money by taking a percentage of your sale. Thus, you have to consider the effort and price ratio. For instance, every gig in pays $5 but $1 of that sale goes to the site and you get the remaining $4. With this in mind, you have to be reasonable about the amount of time you spend on every gig. If you spend hours on a single gig for $4, then it is very much certain that you won't find to be a profitable place to earn online.

Second, your gig's title is essential in catching a potential buyer's attention. It is your first point of contact so you have to keep it short and direct to the point. The title of your gig should encourage buyers to click on your link and nothing else. You can give out the details of your gig in the description field so there's no need to be very specific about this in your title.

It is also very important that you use the right picture for your gig. If you are selling something related to Facebook, then you should put up something related to Facebook in your gig's image. This will give further visualization to your potential buyer. Try not to overpower your gig's description with the photo you upload though. The photo should be professional and must complement your gig in a nice way.

Some of these micro job sites limit the number of gigs you can create, but this shouldn't stop you in anyway. What you can do instead is to appear at least once in the recently completed gigs so that you can continue to catch other buyer's attention. If you are able to consistently provide quality gigs, then you have a chance of becoming featured on the site's top listings. Being featured means everybody who comes to the site will see your gig first since it will be placed on top of the other gigs.

Since a feedback system is present in these micro job sites, you have to strive to keep your ratings positive. However, if you get a negative rating for some reason, you shouldn't give too much thought to it. You can't please everybody but you can always increase your positive ratings by completing more quality gigs.

With these tips, you can certainly make money online with micro job sites. Earning from these sites won't make you a millionaire overnight but it can help you pay some bills. So, if you're still not making money online, try signing up for one of these micro job sites today.

About the Author

Kathy Dobson is a free spirited entrepreneur and business owner committed to helping individuals discover personal and financial freedom through learning the art of outsourcing. Grab your free outsourcing ebook at: Visit for more outsourcing tips.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Medical Transcription Outsourcing: Producing Documentation Support Based On AHDI Guidelines

Your Best Information Source | Medical Transcription Outsourcing: Producing Documentation Support Based On AHDI Guidelines

Medical Transcription Outsourcing: Producing Documentation Support Based On AHDI Guidelines

By: Renee Kelly

The importance of documenting the patient encounter is manifold as it helps in many aspects that contribute to the smooth running of healthcare facilities, besides being a statutory necessity. As healthcare services are critical it is important that the process of documenting the patient- healthcare professional encounter be subject to certain norms. The patient – healthcare professional encounter can be documented by various means, one of the most preferred being medical transcription; a process which converts dictation to text.

As medical transcription has an important supporting role to play in the process of healthcare, a best practices guide titled “Healthcare Documentation Quality Assessment and Management Best Practices” has been jointly created by AHDI, MTIA and AHIMA. One of the highlights of this manual is alignment with the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Each stage of the process is vital to ensure that the process of healthcare is documented keeping in mind that maintaining the highest standards of quality is a continuous process. The goal of this quality assessment program is to ensure that healthcare documentation is clear, consistent, accurate, complete and timely.

Plan: Planning policy guidelines for quality
This part of best practices for maintaining quality involves a set of standards for documentation that ensures accuracy, accessibility and overall value of the patient medical record as a resource for understanding the care process including diagnosis, treatment and progress.

To ensure this, the planning process should have principles that ensure:

· Verifiability: Any quality program should have standards and measures that are easily verifiable and these measures should be available to personnel at every level of the organization and to the end user of the transcript to ensure cross verification

· Definability: The error categories should be clearly defined

· Measurability: Measurable values for clearly defined error categories should be assigned and measurement methodology for errors should be clear to all the parties involved

· Consistency: The quality program should define error categories, values to be assigned to each category and there should be a standard method error determination.

· Integrity: The integrity of document can only be assured when there is a synchronized partnership between the originator of dictation and the medical transcriptionist. The healthcare professional dictating the notes should present information in a clear and concise manner and the medical transcriptionist should transcribe the document preserving the essence of the information provided by the healthcare professional

To this end the quality assurance program should be based on Quality Guidelines that ensure the following:

· Accurate and complete documentation ensuring that the essence of the encounter is captured
· A process of distribution of reports on a timely basis and a system for easy accessibility of past records to the relevant personnel
· A practice of periodical quality audits to study the process and assess where errors occur as a part of the ongoing quality process
· This process to be applied to medical transcription at all levels
· The assessment program should be consistent and unbiased
· The assessment program should be according to the principles of assessment agreed upon
· The results from the assessment process to be used as a learning tool to ensure recurrence of errors
· Access to the Quality Guidelines, assessment process to be made available to all the people involved in the transcription process.

To be successful a quality assurance program should be:

Proactive: Medical transcription being such a critical activity that contributes to the healthcare process, it is important for quality assurance program for medical transcription to be proactive. Being proactive ensures that solutions are available for problems before they turn into major issues

Realistic, scalable and financially feasible: Quality is a continuous process; therefore it is important that the quality assurance program should be realistic and cost effective

Simple and easy to implement: Creating patient medical records is a process that consistently needs to meet the quality constraints of accuracy and timeliness, keeping this in mind any quality assurance process has to be simple to be workable.

Secure and Confidential: Considering that the process of creating patient medical records involves working with confidential patient information and comes under the purview of HIPAA it is important that any feedback regarding quality keeps in mind the confidentiality norms

Inclusive of all aspects: Quality in the transcription process involves all aspects starting from the origin of the data down to the transcriptionist, proofreader and quality team, the quality assurance program needs to plan measures to include all these aspects

Reportable for trending and tracking purposes: The process of quality assurance is not only to ensure consistent quality documentation but is also a valuable input for education purposes

Timely: The quality assurance process should be scheduled in timely manner to ensure maximum results

Author Resource:-> Renee Kelly has written numerous articles on transcription services, which has served as an amazing resource for healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals seeking medical transcription services.

Article From Your Best Information Source

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Starting Home-Based Service Business? Heed These 5 Important Tips

Ladies, Starting a Home-Based Service Business? Heed These 5 Important Tips

So you’ve been thinking of starting a business from home. You’ve got some skills, don’t have a lot of space for inventory, so you figure it might be a good idea to start a service business. In fact, it’s a GREAT idea – you just have to be prepared to get your business off the ground and balance all the work/life responsibilities that are on your plate.

This article is going to provide you with easy-to-follow tips to do just that, but first, if you still don’t know what type of service business to start, here are a few popular suggestions:

Ghostwriting for the Internet: Write articles, reports and other information for online business owners.

Transcription Business: Create written records of audio recordings, meetings and more.

Virtual Assistant Business: Provide administrative support, secretarial services and more for other companies.

It doesn’t matter what type of service business you start, there will be some challenges along the way. Here are some tips help you as you go along:

1. First and foremost, set your working hours and ensure everyone in your household is aware of them and respects them. If you happen to be a mother or have other interruptions during the day, there’s nothing wrong with setting aside smaller chunks of time where you’ll be working. This isn’t the “real world” work setting anymore – it’s better. You work at home and you can decide when you work.

2. As a service business, you have two very important roles. One of those roles is to provide service for your clients. The other is to FIND those clients and the time involved in this is something many service-providers don’t take into account. Ensure you have enough time for providing services and the marketing tasks for your business – or hire some help to make the most efficient use of your time.

3. Charge a fair and rewarding rate. Even if you charge your clients for each hour you work for them, there are many tasks (administrative, marketing, etc.) that you don’t get paid for. To set a rate that is worthwhile to you, you need to decide what type of overall income you desire and figure out how many hours total (all business activities) you want to be working. If you find you can’t charge a rate that is worthwhile, consider another business idea or target a specific type clientele that is willing to pay the rates you charge.

4. Be choosy about your clients. It can be tempting to simply take on any clients because you may need the cash. Unfortunately, bad clients can drain your time, suck up your energy and end up being more work than they’re worth. Resist the temptation to just take any clients because your business will be more fruitful in the long run if you work with easy-to-manage, low-maintenance clients.

5. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. If you find yourself taking on more clients than you can handle to earn more money, revisit tip #3 above. You may be concerned about giving your clients a good deal, but they actually suffer when you can’t provide the quality service they deserve. Instead aim for fewer clients, charge more and give them stellar service.

If you keep these things in mind, your transition to a work-at-home service provider will go much more smoothly. It’s not always easy and when you’re first starting out, it can be tough to find that balance and a schedule that you can work with. But stick with it and keep refining your process and you’ll find yourself owning a very rewarding business that you absolutely love.


To get more at home business ideas, be sure to visit Just Add Sweat - they’re your source for step-by-step guides for starting your very own home-based business. You’ll guidance you need to get your business off the ground, find real-life success stories from women just like you and more.

Click here to go to Just Add Sweat

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Arthritic Insomnia

Arthritic Insomnia

If you are dealing with arthritis, one of the hardest things to deal with is the insomnia. The sleeping disorder is going to prevent you from getting the rest that you need to stay healthy and this will in return make your arthritis worse. It can be a terrible cycle that you are dealing with. There are many things that you can do to take on arthritis and it is important to consider all of the options so that you can get a better night’s rest every time you go to bed.

Having insomnia is figured out by a number of problems. You must first have difficulty falling asleep. Many people will experience this at some point in their life. However if you are frequently finding it hard to drift off to sleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about it. If you are waking up often through the night for no good reason, this is a symptom too. This will usually happen to everyone and more so to people if they are new parents. If you are finding that you are constantly tossing and turning more than once a week, you are probably dealing with insomnia. Some with insomnia will sleep throughout the night. Their problem may be that they wake up too early or they do not feel refreshed after many hours of sleep. It will depend on how frequently insomnia happens for you and if you can be diagnosed with short-term insomnia, intermittent insomnia or chronic insomnia.

Anyone that suffers from arthritis will also find that they have chronic insomnia or insomnia that does not go away and occurs for a long time period. There are many reasons that chronic insomnia is found in people that do have arthritis. The pain will keep some awake at night and will occur with illness but some of the patients find that their joints are painful and inflamed after they do activity. A second reason of insomnia due to arthritis is a high level of stress that most patients with arthritis have. Worrying about an appointment with a doctor can cause a person to stay awake all night long. There is no difference for any patient that is young and just recently diagnosed or older and has had the problem of arthritis for many years. Insomnia can be a side of effect of the medicine that is used to treat arthritis. These medicines may rid the pain but can make you stay up all night. Without taking the medication, you may also be awake all night with pain.

There are a number of ideas that a person can do for insomnia. You are not alone is the first step. You need to talk to your doctor about any medications that you are taking that keep you up all night. There are going to be side effects of drugs and they can be addicting as well. Taking the right steps to take the stress out of your life is going to help you sleep better at night too. You and your doctor are the only people that can take the right course of action to fix the insomnia in your life. Talk to them and get a good night’s sleep because it is essential for healthy living.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

HealthTechnica Technology First, Patients First

HealthTechnica enables the public to learn more about the overall benefits

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Saturday, March 27, 2010


Understanding the basics of Federal Regulations can be overwhelming to the Medical Transcriptionist (MT). With a career as a healthcare professional you will here this word a lot HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

This is a bill that was enacted in congress in 1996, with the main objectives, portability and accountability.


Ensure the continuation of health insurance for workers and their families in times of job changes or loss.


Protecting health data integrity while increase the effectiveness of the health care system, confidentiality and availability and preventing fraud and abuse.

The experts call this the most sweeping healthcare legislation in the last 33 years.

The most important part for HIM (Health Information Management), the department in which MT is one of its specializations, profession is in the title section: TITLE II, SUBTITLE F.
Administrative Simplification is the name of this part.

Four Rules of Administrative Simplification:

  • Electronic Standards Rules
  • Privacy Standards Rules
  • Security and Electronic Signature Standard Rule
  • Standard Identification Rule for Employers and Providers

    Go here for more information.

Information specifically about HIPAA including complete text of the regulation and more important links can be found Here.

HIPAA and your job as a MT can be quite over whelming, but don't let this stop you. HIPAA is designed to help you save money and time to make everyone's life easier.


Sample Business Associate Agreement (sample agreement only, seek legal counsel).

MT's Check List

Safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI): Focus Points for Offsite Transcriptionists

MT Service Providers Transcription Agreement Check List
